
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A new friend

She's a bit older than this but she's the same colour. I called her Bunny. But then Later on we all agreed to call her Tinkerbell. That is, until we realized that our tinkie was a boy, we named him Tre(Trey).
Last night My sister Onika and I were supposed to go to the grocery store and buy Chicken for mom. But on the way, we met a little friend. A kitten. We wanted to take her to the grocery store. We kept taking turns holding it.

When my mom saw it she was like "Bring it in!" but then she turned sour when she thought about the expences. She's ours for now, and we're happy, all six of us(except for mom). Today mom and I went all out for Bunny, buying dollar store cat supplies. There's like, a pet store across from it. It's funny, because people walk right out of the pet store with high prices, across the hall to the dollar store. SOMEONE'S GONNA GO BROKE. Just saying.

Anyway, I have to get cracking soon. I have a Humanities test in ten minutes. I hope I don't flunk it.


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