The Grandmother said to me,"Fuck you!" She was french but that was an English sentence everyone got. The trouble making boys lied about me having hit them. That's why They came after me. I have a feeling that Satan was behind this trying to mess around with me. I shouldn't have said, "Fuck You, too!" and gave the finger. Before I thought they were coming after me for no reason trying to attack me for doing nothing.
Later on I went to my mother and she told me that I shouldn't have picked up sand.
Then a woman came to our door. It was...Francois's girlfriend!! What was she going to say? She even started talking to me nice. She said to me in french, "When I saw you I said to myself that she's like me: fragile..." I started crying. OH damn. She's nice to me and I judged her. She was the peacemaker in the family. She wanted me to come and explain what happened. we're okay now...I'm not sure about granny, though...
After reflecting I shouldn't have been so rude...It just made me look bad...I said sorry to God.
I talked to Christie for a while about Francois and how i was jealous of her for being with him. She told me that he wasn't with her anymore. I had a feeling that happened. She told me he was cute but he had bad qualities.
- Play boy. He's not relationship material. He has many girls her plays with. Has sex with them.
- He smokes. Just like I suspected.
- He doesn't respect his religion. Everyone thinks he's good but he's not.(that's why He was trying to prove to me that he was good.) I suspected him at first.
- He always takes, never gave anything back to Christelle.
Later I reflected on how I was jealous of Christie and how I judged her. I shouldn't have. She is really a nice girl. She even gave me her number so that we could hang out and stuff like go to the club(when I turn 18 next week, that is...)
Weird enough...all this stuff about Francois was supposed to turn me off of him but the bad boy stuff kind of excites me...that is so not good.
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