
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bad news

Happy new year dear diary,
I wonder what is in store for me this year. Will I be hurt again? or will I find someone new? I'll wait and see.

On Christmas eve I found out the worst news. It was about Vinny and Desi. Vinny asked out Desi on Friday; She told me, and he kissed her,she kissed him, all I know is that they were kissing. I always knew that he would like her, I had that feeling when she met Jeremiah. I was just getting so close to having him...maybe not...That day started with me bitching at Vinny. Luckily, Hina talks to him about my past; and then to Toni about me being in love with him. He said he would see about us.

Vinny did apologize, and he told me that it was actually Desi who came onto him. I don't know who to believe―they've both had a history of being liars. So who should I believe―the girl who steals every man I'm after, or the man who disrespects me?

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